Feng Shui Wealth Tips To Help Enhance Money Corner & Attract Prosperity

Ah, wealth! Everybody wants it, all of us need it, but very few really get it. The idea of wealth is not owning everything under the sun and being in debt; in fact true wealth is when you have everything you desire and are still left with plenty of money to live your life with passion, joy, peace, love and happiness.

But the BIG QUESTION is how to amass so much money and wealth that lets you live the way you want to? Of course, you may need to work (either for someone else or for your own), you may need luck and last but not the least, you – definitely – need help from the energies that surround you; and that’s where feng shui wealth comes into picture.

Feng Shui Wealth

Feng shui wealth is an approach – in fact it’s “the approach” – that helps make way for all the riches, money and wealth to find you easily. What feng shui wealth does is this; it balances the energies in a home or office to enhance the inflow of money and dramatically reduce the outflow – or unnecessary, unwanted and unexpected outflow – of it.

Here, I assume that you’re completely aware of feng shui and concepts of chi energy; if – by any chance – you aren’t then read the article @ Feng Shui- What Is It?

Hmm, it won’t be a wild guess to make that you want to learn feng shui for wealth and to enable you to understand just that, I’ve divided this article in 2 parts or sections.

The first section has an image that reveals to you the relation between directions, elements, colors and which aspect of your life is affected by all of these.

The second section of the article has got feng shui tips for wealth in dos and don’ts format; these are the tips that you can – and must – apply in your home or office so that it’s easy to accumulate “that money” which you always wanted in your life.

So, without any delay, let’s begin the ride towards financial abundance and learn feng shui wealth.

Feng Shui Wealth – What is the wealth corner?

As promised earlier, below is an image that reveals to you the relation between elements, directions, colors and what’s their affect in your life.

Do have a very good look at it.


Alright, from the image, you can see that the South-East (SE) corner of your home – and in fact of all the rooms in your home – is the wealth corner.

Furthermore, the North part is also a wealth corner (called the secondary wealth corner); secondary because it’s related to career and success and the better career you have, chances are, the more money you make.

What this all means is that if your home and all the rooms in it have a very strong – or defect free – SE corner then you’ll be helped by Qi energy to attract wealth and riches.

Conversely, if South-East of your home has defects then no matter what you do, the money that you always desired may never come; or, even if it comes, it won’t be staying with you for a long time.

Again, if North (the secondary wealth corner) is weak then you may have a struggle-full career; on the other hand, if it’s strong and supportive, then all the career choices that you make will benefit you big time.

Ok, so the next question popping in your mind would be how you can make the SE and North of your home and rooms strong by applying feng shui for wealth? Don’t worry, that’s what we’ve got covered in the next section; so just read on.

Feng Shui Wealth – What To Follow & Avoid

Alright, so we’re in the second section of the article; this section is dedicated to reveal to you the best feng shui tips for wealth so that you can apply those tips and amass huge amounts of money and wealth to live a life full of abundance.

But before you begin to learn and – really understand – feng shui wealth tips, we suggest you to go through the article @ Feng Shui Colors as this’ll make it very easy for you to understand the reason of most of the remedies that are suggested below.

Ok, so I assume that you’ve read abovementioned recommended article and are – now – aware of the relation between colors, directions and elements; it’s now time to move ahead and learn feng shui money tips.

You may recall from the previous section that there are two wealth corners, namely, South-East (primary) and North (secondary); we’ll start learning feng shui wealth tips for primary corner first and then will move on to learn wealth tips for the secondary one.

So without any delay, let’s start learning.

Feng Shui Wealth Corner – South-East – What To Follow

  1. Keep the SE part of your home clean and clutter free.
  2. If there’s a living room in SE of your home then it’s considered awesome.
    1. Place everything that symbolizes wealth, money, abundance and prosperity in SE living room.
    2. Place a Chinese jade plant here as it’s a sign of wealth.
    3. Anything related to water here is of tremendous benefit.
    4. You can place fish aquarium in SE with dragon fish or arowana. More about fish aquarium feng shui @ Feng Shui Fish Aquarium
    5. Make sure that the aquarium is big, clean and well oxygenated.
    6. Keep the fish healthy, happy and well fed.
    7. You can also place a water fountain in SE of living room. More on water fountain @ Water Fountain Feng Shui
    8. Make sure that the water flows in an infinite loop and the fountain is well lit.
    9. The water must flow towards your home and not outwards.
    10. Place a dragon figurine beside water feature; this’ll attract more wealth.
    11. In living room, you must place a feng shui golden ship of wealth.
    12. Optionally, you can add wealth symbols like gold coins, ingots, gems etc. to the ship.
    13. Make sure that the ship sails into your home.
    14. Place 9 three legged money toads under chairs or sofas in the living room. More on Money Toads @ Wealth Frog Feng Shui
    15. Tie a red thread to each toad to boost up wealth attracting energy.
  3. Irrespective of where you’ve placed dining table, make sure to have a mirror that reflects the dining table; this’ll mean that you’ve got plenty and more – always – for yourself and your family.
  4. Hang images of fresh fruits and mouthwatering dishes in dining area; it brings abundance and increases appetite.
  5. Place a feng shui wealth pot filled with ingots, gems, fake diamonds and other wealth symbols in dining area.
  6. After applying the remedies (mentioned below) you should energize the outer part of the remedied area via favorable feng shui colors and elements.
  7. Favorable colors for SE are shades of green and element is wood.

Feng Shui Wealth Corner – South-East – What To Avoid

  1. Avoid buying or renting a house that has cut in SE corner.
  2. Avoid having bathroom/toilet, kitchen, store room and bedroom in SE corner. If – in case – your home has any of these in SE, then you can apply the remedies mentioned below.
    1. If there’s a cut in SE then a remedy is to place two mirrors such that it reflects towards SE corner (it’s best that an expert feng shui consultant fix such defects).
    2. If there’s a bathroom/toilet, kitchen or store room in SE then the home has bad wood energy defect; as a remedy, use fire element items (as fire weakens wood). Place an image of a glowing candle, bright lights or anything that symbolizes fire.
    3. If there’s a bedroom in SE, then don’t keep fish aquarium (or anything related to water), plants and mirrors in there. You can – and must – keep a wealth vase in the closet of the bedroom.
  3. If you’re keeping an aquarium with arowana in SE living room then make sure not to feed live fish as it leads to struggle for wealth.
  4. In case you decide to hang an image of a ship then make sure that there are no weapons depicted in the image.
Here’re the links, if you wish to buy feng shui products mentioned above:
Feng Shui Tools India US Canada
Fish Aquarium Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
Water Fountain Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
Dragon Figurine Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
Golden Ship of Wealth Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
Three Legged Money Toad Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
Mirror Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
Feng Shui Wealth Pot Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
Wealth Vase Buy Now Buy Now BuyNow
Here’re some more links to buy feng shui products mentioned above:
Feng Shui Tools UK Germany Spain France Italy
Fish Aquarium Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy
Water Fountain Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy
Dragon Figurine Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy
Golden Ship of Wealth Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy
Three Legged Money Toad Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy
Mirror Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy
Feng Shui Wealth Pot Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy
Wealth Vase Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy

Feng Shui Wealth Corner – North – What To Follow

  1. Keep North part of your home clean and clutter free.
  2. You can place water fountains or anything related to water in North of your home (provided there’s no bedroom in North).
  3. You can also place metal wind chimes or gold and silver coins tied with red ribbon in this part (metal enhances water).
  4. While applying remedies (mentioned in step a below), make sure that the color of wood is a shade of green and not a tone of brown (the color of dead/dried wood).
  5. Once you’ve applied the below mentioned remedies, you must then energize the outer part of the cured area using feng shui favorable colors and elements.
  6. Favorable colors for North are shades of blue and black and element is water.
  7. If there’s a bedroom in North then you can – and must – keep a wealth vase in the closet of the bedroom.

Feng Shui Wealth Corner – North – What To Avoid

  1. Avoid buying or renting a home that has cut in North else you’ll be changing one job after another without satisfaction and steady income.
  2. Avoid a house having bathroom, kitchen or store room in north; if – in case – your home has any of these in North then you can apply the remedies mentioned below.
    1. If there’s a bathroom/toilet, kitchen or store room in North then it means that your home is affected by bad water energy; as a remedy use wood elements (wood weakens water) such as small plants, paint the walls in shades of green or hang an image of trees or anything that symbolizes wood.
    2. If there’s a bedroom in North, then don’t keep fish aquarium (or anything related to water), plants and mirrors in the bedroom.
Here’re the links, if you wish to buy feng shui products mentioned above:
Feng Shui Tools India US Canada
Metal Wind Chimes Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
Coins tied with Red Ribbon Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
Wealth Vase Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
Small Plants Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
Here’re some more links to buy feng shui products mentioned above:
Feng Shui Tools UK Germany Spain France Italy
Metal Wind Chimes Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy
Coins tied with Red Ribbon Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy
Wealth Vase Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy
Small Plants Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy

Apart from SE and North, the South-West (SW) is also considered to be a corner that can attract wealth and money in your life.  That’s why it is really important to pay attention to the SW corner of the home.

Let’s see what feng shui wealth has to say about the SW corner.

You can see from the image in the first section that the SW corner is ruled by earth element; hence if you’ve a bathroom/toilet, kitchen, storeroom in SW then the house suffers from bad earth energy. Having this in mind, let’s start learning the dos and don’ts of SW feng shui wealth corner.

Feng Shui Wealth Corner – South-West – What To Follow

  1. Keep the SW of your home clean at all times.
  2. If there’s a living room in SW then:
    1. Make sure to have a water body such as a fountain in SW of the living room.
    2. Make a 6 tier water fall & keep it well lit.
    3. Make sure that the water flows towards the home and not outside.
    4. Place a Jambala in the water fall such that water flows from his head and body; this’ll bring lots of wealth.
  3. If there’s a bedroom in SW then make sure to keep a feng shui wealth vase in the closet.
  4. Once you’ve applied the remedy (mentioned below), you must energize the outer part of cured area using favorable colors and feng shui elements.
  5. For SW favorable colors are earthen and skin color tones and element is earth.

Feng Shui Wealth Corner – South-West – What To Avoid

  1. Avoid a house that has a cut in SW.
  2. Avoid a house that has bathroom/toilet, kitchen, storeroom in SW; if you’ve a bathroom/toilet, kitchen, storeroom in SW then you can apply the below remedies
    1. Hang a metallic wind chime (metal weakens water) in bathroom/toilet, kitchen or storeroom in SW.
    2. Make sure that no one passes under the wind chime.
    3. Make sure that you or no one sits under the wind chime.
  3. If there’s a bedroom in SW then make sure not to keep any water feature, mirror and plants in there.
Here’re the links, if you wish to buy feng shui products mentioned above:
Feng Shui Tools India US Canada
Fountain Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
Jambala Buy Now
Wealth Vase Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
Here’re some more links to buy feng shui products mentioned above:
Feng Shui Tools UK Germany Spain France Italy
Fountain Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy
Wealth Vase Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy

Armed with all these simple – yet extremely effective – feng shui wealth tips, we believe that you’ll – now – start applying them and will be living a life of abundance in truest sense.

If you liked the above information on feng shui wealth, then please share the same with others too.