Feng Shui Bathroom (How A Bathroom Flushes Prosperity & What You Can Do About It)

Alright, so we’re in the article that’ll reveal to you – general and direction-wise – feng shui bathroom and toilet guidelines, rules, regulations, concepts and remedies. But before we begin, I must tell you an undeniable fact or a concept of feng shui towards a bathroom or toilet, here it is:

“Bathrooms and toilets have got a really bad reputation as far as feng shui is concerned”.

and here’s why: As per feng shui, bathrooms and toilets (I’ll call them bathrooms from hereon for sake of simplicity) have the tendency to drain or flush away the positive “Qi” energy of your home.

Hence, if “Qi” enters the bathroom (read as bathroom or toilet) then rest assured that it’s flushed right away out of your house and that’s what we certainly don’t want to happen.

Note: Here, I assume that you’re completely aware of concepts of feng shui and “Qi” energy; if – by any chance – you aren’t then please read the article @ Feng Shui and the concept of “Qi”.

Feng Shui Bathrooms

Ok, coming back to the topic of bathrooms; since each and every part or corner of a house is related to an aspect of life, hence a bathroom in one particular corner or part would affect that specific area of life; this is what I’ve explained further – with examples – in the next section of the article, so, just read on.

Bathroom Feng Shui – Why You MUST Do It

As said earlier that each and every part or direction of a home is related to a specific aspect of life and a bathroom in that part will drain the luck or benefits of that aspect of life.

Here are some examples:

A bathroom in South-East: – Since South-East part of a house is related to wealth, a bathroom in this part will drain away all the money from the house; joblessness, sinking income, increasing debt and even bankruptcy are some effects of South-East bathroom.

In North-West: – The North-West part of the house deals with helpful people and luck from heaven, a toilet in this part will drain away all those from you. No help from anyone, backstabbing, office politics, discredit etc. are some effects of North-West bathroom.

and the list can go on and on for other directions too.

Now, there’s an image in the article @ Colors and Directions that’ll reveal to you the relation between directions and the aspect of life ruled by each direction. You can have a look at that image and you’ll be able to understand the good aspect – of your life – which a bathroom in that particular direction will drain away.

But hey, a bathroom or toilet have to be somewhere in the house. Isn’t it? The answer to that it yes, they can be in the house but remember wherever they are they’ll – at least try to – reduce the benefits of that direction(s).

Hence, it’s vital to have feng shui a bathroom in the home; this’ll minimize – or possibly eliminate – the draining or flushing of “good” from life; so, the next question popping in your mind would be how to have a feng shui bathroom? That’s exactly what I’ve detailed – in do’s and don’ts format (I know you love it) – you in the next section of this article, so just read on.

Bathroom Feng Shui – How to Do It

So, here we are, in the second section of the article; the section that deals with the actionable things when it comes to bathroom feng shui.

Here in this section you’ll find feng shui bathroom tips – as promised, in do’s and don’ts format – all you now need to do is to just go through these tips and apply them to the bathroom and toilets of your home so that they aren’t able to drain luck, money, love or anything positive from your home.

Here, I’ll suggest you, that before you start reading feng shui bathroom tips, you must read the article @ Feng Shui Colors; that’s because once you read – and really understand – the essence of that article, you’ll be able to understand the reasons for – most of – the remedies that are mentioned below.

However, if you don’t read that article, that’s completely ok, the remedies will still work; but in that case you’ll just be applying the remedies without knowing the exact science or reason behind the remedies. Anyways, it’s all up to you.

So, without any more delay, let’s raise the curtain and start learning feng shui bathroom tips.

The tips 1st to 8th are general bathroom tips (which can be applied to any bathroom or toilet); number 9th to 13th are direction specific feng shui bathroom tips i.e. you must apply them if your bathroom is located in that particular direction.

Bathroom/Toilet – What To Do

  1. Always keep the bathroom door closed.
  2. Make sure to keep the toilet lid closed.
  3. Replace any torn curtains with new ones.
  4. Keep the bathroom clean, fresh and airy. Use a good air freshener.
  5. Make sure that the bathroom receives ample sunlight and fresh air.
  6. Keep windows, ventilators and doors of bathroom clean.
  7. Place a mirror on the door of the bathroom, this’ll make the “Qi” bounce back into the house/room and not enter the bathroom or toilet. Just make sure that the mirror is placed as per rules of feng shui; more on feng shui mirror rules @ Mirrors and Feng Shui.
  8. Get the best essential aromatic oils for a relaxed bath.
  9. If there’s a bathroom in North-East or South-West then;
    1. Hang a metallic wind chime in the bathroom.
    2. Make sure that there are no Chinese symbols on the chime.
    3. Make sure that no one passes or sits under the wind chime.
    4. Place metallic colored rugs such as gold, silver or grey; circular shaped ones must be preferred.
  10. If there’s a bathroom in South then;
    1. Hang a crystal ball in the window of the bathroom; the rainbow lights from the crystal will reduce the bad fire energy.
    2. Make sure to cleanse the crystal ball as it’s going to absorb negative energy.
    3. Alternatively, you can also use a crystal geode which is a rock with hollow center.
    4. Place square shaped skin colored rug; you can also opt for yellow, pink or chocolate brown colored ones.
  11. If there’s a bathroom in North then;
    1. Place some lush green houseplants in the bathroom.
    2. Put a square shaped rug in shades of green.
  12. If there’s a bathroom in East or South-East then;
    1. Place glitter lamps in the bathroom and make sure to turn them on for around 2-3 hours daily.
    2. If glitter lamps aren’t your thing then you can light candles in the bathroom.
    3. Triangular rugs in shades of red are best for such a bathroom.
  13. If there’s a bathroom in West or North-West then;
    1. Just place an urn with water in the bathroom.
    2. Place blue shaded rug; if possible, get a wavy shaped one.
Here’re the links, if you wish to buy feng shui products mentioned above:
Feng Shui ToolsIndiaUSCanada
Air FreshenerBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Metallic Wind ChimeBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Gold RugBuy NowBuy Now
Silver RugBuy NowBuy Now
Grey RugBuy NowBuy Now
Yellow RugBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Pink RugBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Chocolate Brown RugBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Green RugBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Red RugBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Blue RugBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Crystal BallBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Glitter LampsBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Here’re some more links to buy feng shui products mentioned above:
Feng Shui ToolsUKGermanySpainFranceItaly
Air FreshenerBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Metallic Wind ChimeBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Gold RugBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Silver RugBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Grey RugBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Yellow RugBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Pink RugBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Chocolate Brown RugBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Green RugBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Red RugBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Blue RugBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Crystal BallBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy
Glitter LampsBuyBuyBuyBuyBuy

Bathroom/Toilet – What to Avoid

  1. Avoid clutter in the bathroom; in fact avoid it everywhere.
  2. Avoid mirrors reflecting toilet seats. More on mirrors feng shui @ Feng Shui Mirrors.
  3. Avoid leaking taps and faucets; replace them immediately else they’ll flush away the money.
  4. Replace broken items, such as, soap dispensers, shampoo bottles etc.
  5. Don’t keep old and worn-out toothbrushes in bathroom.
  6. Avoid a bathroom or toilet at the center of home.
  7. Avoid bathroom door facing bedroom, kitchen or dining room.
  8. Avoid locating a bathroom adjacent or near to house entrance.
  9. Never have a bathroom above kitchen or main door.
  10. Avoid locating a bathroom or toilet under staircases. More on staircase @ Feng Shui & Staircases
  11. Never place metallic wind chimes in North, North-West or West bathroom.
  12. Never try to place metallic things in the South-East bathroom; it’ll drain away all the money from house.

With this we come to the end of this article about feng shui bathroom tips.

I am sure that you’ll be benefited by all the above mentioned tips – obviously after applying them – in the bathrooms and toilets of your home.

But just before I request you to share this article with everyone you know, here are the links of other MUST READ articles:

  1. Mirrors and Feng Shui – How You Can Use Them To Attract Abundance
  2. Feng Shui House – How To Do It (Room by Room)

If you found this article to be helpful, then please share it with everyone you know.